Personalisation Makes Memories Easier


Creating a personalised memorial for a loved one makes memories easier

Creating a personalised memorial for a loved one makes memories easier


Why is it so hard to create a perfect memorial for a loved one?

Last week a woman was in tears in the Forever Shining office.
Like most of our clients, Mary (not our distraught customer’s real name) was looking for an appropriate memorial for her loved one. Mary wanted something colourful reflecting her daughter’s special personality.
Mary was upset that she couldn’t get anything personal to mark her lost child’s memory.
Walking around crumbling stone gravestones in her local cemetery had provided no inspiration, just adding to Mary’s despair. A traditional stone headstone could never express the vibrancy of her child’s individual character.

[bctt tweet=”A traditional stone headstone could never express the vibrancy of her child’s individual character.” username=”@ForeverShiningA”]
In the WA Cemetery Board’s extensive catalogue there seem to be a lot of choices but they’re all rather dull with limited scope for personalisation. Mary had been told all her options were contained within the brochure.


Mary was amazed when we showed her some of the innovative features available through Forever Shining:

  • Beautiful full colour ceramic and porcelain images of loved ones
  • Light reflective and light transmitting headstones
  • Stainless steel headstones with coloured glass inscriptions and motifs

Don’t be bullied

Before visiting Forever Shining Mary felt compelled to buy her memorial through the cemetery. The staff had given her no alternatives.
What ever happened to fair and open trading?
Aren’t people who work for government departments obliged to be impartial when recommending suppliers?

[bctt tweet=”Aren’t people who work for government departments obliged to be impartial?” username=”@ForeverShiningA”]

Memories made easier

Forever Shining has given Mary the tools and courage to design a memorial expressing her loved one’s special personality in a beautiful and lasting way.
As Mary says,

“Everyone in the family is as happy as I am. You have made my memories easier. You have treated me with the utmost respect.”

Do you know someone who’s looking for a memorial for a loved one? Share this post to give others hope and comfort.

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