Photos that never fade

Celebrate your memories forever with a realistic gravestone photo

Celebrate your memories forever with a realistic photo on your loved one’s gravestone

Photos that never fade

Preserving your memories for eternity with photos on gravestones and plaques is now easier than ever.
Laser etching, relatively new to this old-fashioned industry, makes it simple to engrave photo realistic portraits into stone.[bctt tweet=”Laser etching makes it easy to engrave photo realistic portraits into stone.” username=”@ForeverShiningA”]
Vitreous or porcelain enamelling reproduces full colour photos, which never fade or lose their shine on plaques. You can even have your beautiful, glossy plaque inlaid into a stone monument.

The light fantastic

First developed in the early 1960s, lasers felt like a miracle invention. Today lasers play a pivotal role in our everyday lives.
Look around and you’ll see lasers everywhere.

  • At home in your TV remote, DVD and CD player
  • In bar code readers at the supermarket
  • In eye surgery and life-saving cancer treatments
  • Delivering precise navigation for commercial aircraft

Lasers have featured in hundreds of films. Perhaps the most famous is the cutting beam, which heads perilously close to Sean Connery’s crotch in the 1964 James Bond movie Goldfinger.

Exciting atoms

The word laser comes from LASER: Light Amplification (by) Stimulated Emission (of) Radiation.
It’s all about charging or “exciting” atoms with light or electricity to create the necessary reaction.

Lasers for the dead

Of course, the memorials industry has been slow to adopt this new technology.
Traditional artisans have always worked headstones by hand. Using old school techniques, two lines of words can take an hour to chisel into stone.
Laser etching machines work fast, almost like a printer, taking your photograph or drawing and reproducing it on granite.
Laser cutting uses a series of mirrors and lenses to focus a beam into a highly concentrated heat source.
The laser blasts away the polished surface of the granite to reveal the lighter rock underneath. Your image comes out in high-resolution grey scale.

Photos and images laser etched on a headstone

Photos and images laser etched on a headstone evoke beautiful memories

Laser etching for the future

Laser etching is the most prestigious way to personalise gravestones. As well as being flexible enough to accurately reproduce all kinds of images laser engraving is durable enough to last over 500 years. [bctt tweet=”Laser engraving is durable enough to last over 500 years” username=”@ForeverShiningA”]
Although still in it’s infancy in Australia, 40% of memorials in the USA are laser etched.
At Forever Shining our design technology is years ahead of anything the American market has seen.  In fact we are currently negotiating deals in the USA for hiring our patented design system software.

Design your own

Did you know you can design your own laser etched granite headstone? For free. Online. Anytime. From the comfort of your own home.
Using Forever Shining’s smart software, you can

  • Edit your design as many times as you like
  • Email your design to close friends and family
  • Check the price for construction and delivery at any step along the way
  • See exactly how your monument or plaque will look before it’s made

Click here to try our clever tool to design a headstone and here to design a full monument.  Or call 1300 851 181 to speak with our talented graphic artists about creating your memorial.

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